To occur simultaneously worldwide at 12/12/12/12/12 (12:12 PM on December 12, 2012)
The goal is to get as many people on the planet as possible to create something for one minute at the same time – on 12 December 2012 at 12:12 (12/12/12/12/12)! To allow for some flexibility for more people to participate, your minute of creation can be in the am (00:12) or pm (12:12), but let’s make it be Eastern Time Zone – a New York Minute (GMT – 5 Hours) so we are all creating at the same two minutes on earth.
Draw something, write a song, improvise a piece of music, take a picture (or many pictures), write a poem, create a recipe – use your imagination…but make sure that you limit your work to only that one minute as a way to shape, guide and limit this project.
The act of a simultaneous moment of creation is the goal but, if you would like to share your work, please upload it to this site (make sure to record any performing arts) – that’s it!
The act of a simultaneous moment of creation is the goal but, if you would like to share your work, please upload it to this site (make sure to record any performing arts) – that’s it!