Headline Haiku 2006 [[image:aa240_.jpg:Headline Haiku 2006:left:0]] Fluxus Vision: Visual Poems [[image:aa240a.jpg:Fluxus Vision: Visual Poetry by Allan Revich:left:0]]
Month: June 2007
Cecil Touchon and the Ontological Museum Works
Cecil Touchon, a Fluxus artist, collage artist, and curator of the Ontological Museum has several book works for sale at the Ontological Museum's Lulu.com storefront. A couple of outstanding samples are shown below. Be sure to visit the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction too! Sell People Things They Don't Need. This…
The Fluxlist Blog
The Fluxlist Blog is a continuing Fluxus project. The Blog serves as a rich media extension of the Fluxlist itself, which was launched in 1996 by Allen Bukoff, Ken Friedman, Dick Higgins, Joe De Marco, Jon Van Oast, as an online forum for artists, writers, and other with an interest in Fluxus. Visit the Fluxlist…