Fluxus Visions is a new collaborative Fluxus book project. Fluxus Vision (http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/fluxus-vision/619464) was published in 2007. It contains 50 visual poems by Allan Revich (me), with 50 brief Fluxus scores on the facing pages.The 2009 follow up publication will be a collaborative event. Fluxus inspired artists and writers are invited to submit up to 10 visual poems, and up to 10 brief Fluxus text pieces to accompany the visual poems on the facing pages. Visual poems should be sent as grayscale jpeg images, 7 inches in width by 10 inches tall, at 300 dpi.Anticipated publication date is October of 2009, so files should arrive by August 31st to be included. All participants will receive a pdf version of the book, and will be able to purchase a copy of the book at cost.
To participate, sign up on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=87665369758)
Howdy! Wanted to see how the project was going!
Anticipated publication date is pushed back until January 2010. There are enough submissions to make this a really good project, but still time to submit more.
Please note, that I will not have time to do file conversions. Files not submitted at 300 dpi, grayscale, and not taller than 10 inches and not wider than 7 inches will NOT be included.