A Moveable Fluxfest – New York Five days of events throughout New York April 11-16, 2011 April 12, 7:00 pm Dada machine FLUXUS does New Scores Tribes Gallery 285 East 3rd Street 2nd Floor April 13, 5:00 pm Inside/Outside Fluxus: Performance & Reading Printed Matter 195 10th Ave. April 13, 7:30 pm New York Correspondance School Dinner Katz’s Deli 205 E. Houston St. April 14, 7:15 pm FLUX ALIVE!!! – Fresh Performance ABC No Rio 156 Rivington St. April 15, 1:00 pm FLUXGUERILLA Meet at the Imagine Mosaic Strawberry Fields, Central Park April 16, 12:15 pm FLUX ZIG-ZAG 12:15 pm sharp! Meet at Whitehall ferry terminal… Performances on the Staten Island Ferry and Staten Island.
A Moveable Fluxfest – New York
Five days of events throughout New York
April 11-16, 2011
April 12, 7:00 pm
Dada machine FLUXUS does New Scores
Tribes Gallery
285 East 3rd Street 2nd Floor
April 13, 5:00 pm
Inside/Outside Fluxus: Performance & Reading
Printed Matter
195 10th Ave.
April 13, 7:30 pm
New York Correspondance School Dinner
Katz’s Deli
205 E. Houston St.
April 14, 7:15 pm
FLUX ALIVE!!! – Fresh Performance
ABC No Rio
156 Rivington St.
April 15, 1:00 pm
Meet at the Imagine Mosaic
Strawberry Fields, Central Park
April 16, 12:15 pm
12:15 pm sharp!
Meet at Whitehall ferry terminal…
Performances on the Staten Island Ferry and Staten Island.