The ARCHIVE OF ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS will be shown for 10 days at Uferhallen, Berlin-Wedding.
This year the exhibition is the opportunity for a BENEFIT-SALE of drawings from the archive: The proceeds of the sales will be collected in the blütenweiss-fund and will be used for the financing of the next call for participation and the following exhibition in June 2011.
800 selected drawings of international artists will be presented anonymously in an exhibition. The artist’s anonymity can be lifted by means of purchasing a drawing for the symbolic unit sales-price of 150 EUR. The buyer can take his drawing right off the wall and s/he is then told the name and the point of origin of its author. The empty space the drawing leaves behind will be marked with the artist’s full name. The given unit sales-price should not be seen as a real market price, but as a place-holder for any conceivable amount of money.
December 10 – 19 / 2010
Opening: 7 pm Thursday, December 9 / 2010
Uferstrasse 8 – 12
13357 Berlin – Wedding
Opening hours: daily 12 – 8 pm
U8 Pankstrasse Map