Her Mom: A Found Poem She’d spent most of her time in factoriesor in kitchens, stocking shelves or making beds in hotelsShe’d never had health insuranceHer $11,000 a year paycheck was too much for Medicaidso she had to quit her jobapply for disabilityand pay the first hospital bills with her savings F–k, I’m so sick…
For and Against Anti-Art
The following URLs link to various articles about anti-art. Some dispute the opinion that I offer in my previous posting.Making art out of anti-art by Travis Hugh Culley(a very well written article) Anti-Art Is Not Art by Michelle Marder KamhiThe “stuckist” argument against anti-art(The “stuckists” are an interesting phenomenom of their own – a bit…
A Bit About Anti-Art
What is anti-art anyway? Can anti-art even exist? Isn’t anti-art still art? These are all good questions. Anti-art is obviously still art. It exists within the cultural context of the art world and it cannot exist without art. Before one is tempted to be smugly dismissive of the anti-art movement though, one needs to consider…
Fluxlist Blog
On April 3rd of this year (2006) the members of Fluxlist established a collaborative community Blog. Incredibly, in less than two weeks the Fluxlist Blog has 36 members and has agathered more than 120 posts. All of these posts incorporate the Fluxus spirit of intermedia and collaboration. I recomend a visit by anybody interested in…
Fluxus: The Persistence of Flow
A great article about Fluxus and the Fluxlist by Kamen Nedev posted on his emit Blog. [[image:flux-die.gif:Fluxus: The Persistence of Flow:left:0]]
Portable Hole 2006 by Allen Bukoff
This project by Allen Bukoff is absolutely fabulous! I have included one graphic and a bit of text, but you need to visit the site to get the whole picture. [[image:bukoff-hole.gif:Portable Hole by Allen Bukoff:left:0]] The (w)hole story is can be found at: http://www.fluxus.org/FluxusMidwest/PortableHole/index.html
Allan Kaprow; 1927-2006
[[image:kaprow1.jpg:Allan Kaprow 1927-2006:left:0]][[popup:kaprow.jpg:Memorial Picture:Allan Kaprow:left:1]]
Fluxus Podcast
Walter Cianciusi a Fluxlister and contemporary Fluxus artist has recently set up a Fluxus podcast which can be subscribed to using Apple iTunes. To listen you just need to:1. download iTunes 6 (free) for Mac or PC: www.apple.com/itunes/download/ ;2. search for “Fluxus” in the Music Store page (podcast directory); 3. sign in “Fluxus” podcast. The…
Springtime for DaDa in NYC
Each spring dada is reborn in New York City [[image:day_de_dada.gif:dad de dada:center:0]]For more information about the day de dada visit http://daydedada.com
Ray Johnson Update
From a biography of Ray Johnson at http://www.rayjohnsonestate.com/ As his contemporaries became famous, Johnson receded from view, cultivating his role as outsider while maintaining his profile by communicating via mail art and the telephone. He parodied celebrity in performances, fake openings, photocopy-machine art, lists of famous names next to obscure names, and rubber-stamped signatures such…
Before the Beginning
The very first post on The Fluxus Blog said that Fluxus arrived in America in 1962. While 1962 may have been the year of the first Fluxus exhibition in America, Fluxus was happening in New York in the 1950s. In the years 1957 to 1959 John Cage was teaching a music composition course which was…