Readers of this Fluxus Blog might recall a post I made back in 2018, Instant Fluxfest Kit: The Fluxus Performance Workbook, edited by Ken Friedman and Owen Smith. The Fluxus Performance Workbook consists of a collection of Fluxus Event Scores. But, what exactly is an event score? Event scores are essential a type of Intermedia,…
Author: Fluxus Guy
Ben Vautier asks, “What is Fluxus?”
WHAT IS FLUXUS ? FluxusWe can in Fluxus always find somebody who did it before. Fluxus importanceIs Fluxus giving a lot of importance to non importance ?Is Fluxus giving no importance to importance ? Fluxus artists like playing “Fluxus wisdom”They keep coming out with sentences that are supposed to carry profound wisdom exemple Filliou when…
Make Your Own Fluxus (an event score)
How to Make a Fluxus Anyone can make a Fluxus. Even you. Here is how. Method One Collect small objects Find a small box Put the small objects in a box Method Two Find a pen or pencil Find a piece of paper Write a simple instruction or set of instructions on the piece of…
Fluxfest 2021 Day 2 Video
The Fluxus Fluxfest 2021 virtual Covid-19 edition was a tremendous success. Here, for your enjoyment is a video summary of Day 2, March 21st, 2021. Fluxfest 2021 Day 1 is available for viewing on Facebook
Experimental Music Discussion
In a sense, it could be argued that all music is experimental, and that it always has been. Since the beginnings of our species, human beings have been experimenting with ways to make music and song, and ways to reproduce and guide our soundmaking activities. Today, in the early days of the 21st century, Experimental…
What is Fluxus?
This question has been asked before, and I have answered it in this, The Fluxus Blog, before. But that was a long time ago, and the question, “What is Fluxus” continues to be asked. For readers looking for a simple answer, contemporary Fluxus artist, Allan Revich has summarized Fluxus into just four characteristic ideas: Four…
A Child’s History of Fluxus
The following is an important historical document, republished here for historical reference. This copy is from THIS BLOG The following was first published in 1979 in:Horizons: The Poetics and Theory of the Intermedia A Child’s History of Fluxus by Dick Higgins Long long ago, back when the world was young – that is, sometime around…
HOTEL DADA Fluxfest Online 2020
FLUXUS LIVES: ETERNAL RADICAL ATTITUDE August 1st & 2nd Described as “the most radical and experimental art movement of the 1960s,” Fluxus has challenged traditional thinking about art and culture for more than four decades. It has been a think tank for artistic experimentation in Europe, Asia, and the United States. It had a central…
Fluxfest 2020 Los Angeles
The news you have been waiting for! March 6 – March 8, 2020 Fluxfest 2020 is happening in Los Angeles, California from Friday March 6th through Sunday March 8th. Come to party. Come to learn. Come to participate. Here is the schedule of events for Fluxfest 2020 in Los Angeles California
Mail Art Call for Fluxfest 2020
Get your Flux on now! Vision 20-20 mail is being opened in Los Angeles so send your vision today. Deadline February 15 2020, maximum size 8.5”” x 5.5”, 5241 Franklin Circle, Westminster, CA, 92683, USA. No jury. No returns. All art will be shown.
Fluxfest 2020 Advance Notice
Details are still being worked out, but for 2020, the Fluxlist Fluxfest is being planned for Sunny California. Most likely location: Los Angeles Most likely date: February/March Check in here for details as they become available. Fluxfest 2019 in Toronto was a big success, Fluxus art happened, performers performed. and everyone loves a parade! Did…